Setlist 7/22/24 TGIM Episode 216!
*on upright
1. Rainy Days
2. Businessman
3. Lemonade
4. Climb to Safety (cover Widespread Panic)
5. My Imagination >
6. You Got It (cover Roy Orbison) >>
7. Greyhound to Buffalo >>>
8. You Got It (cover Roy Orbison)
9. Her Captain (cover BuzzUniverse)
10. Sugar Coatin’ Girl
11. Waiting on a Friend (cover The Rolling Stones)
12. Dent *
13. Deep Elem Blues (cover Grateful Dead) *
14. (Carousels) On the Boulevard
15. Rolling Dodgeball
16. Photograph
17. Lift Off
18. Come Monday (cover Jimmy Buffett)